
Practical and scientific experiences that will transfer academics and experts from primary levels to advanced global levels in the field of scientific research management, leadership of educational institutions and research centers, establishment, management and development of work teams and scientific research, while activating the latest scientific research programs, mechanisms and means in order to double the sober scientific production
The duration of the program is 6 days, two days per week

The date of the program
15 Rabi’ al-Thani 1443 AH corresponding to November 20, 2021 AD.
Participation fee is $75 for early registration

The concept, rules and stages of scientific research
Scientific research goals
The importance of scientific research
The importance of the field aspect in scientific research and research centers and their types
Joint scientific research: its importance, means, and its role in the sobriety of scientific research
Academic Values ​​and Research Ethics

- Open consultations with the trainer for a month after the end of the program.
- Video lectures can be viewed for those absent due to an emergency situation.
Daily preparation to increase the usefulness and effectiveness of the program.
The certificate of the program is provided by one of the most famous Malaysian private education institutions.
- Fully interactive program and real-world applications for existing and well-known institutions.
Transfer of practical field experiences by expert speakers.

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