
Smart management for institutions and non-profit organizations

Developing ideas and skills is a development for our reality and our future

With the escalation of administrative and economic challenges worldwide, and countries, institutions and individuals facing various and multiple risks; With the advancement of digital technologies, which are added to the increase in the requirements and complexities of life, as well as the escalation of competition and successive global crises; Smart management has become a necessary condition for the success of businesses of all sizes, as well as the continuity of institutions and their ability to resist difficult times, hence the importance of smart management of various human activities, as the business dependent on the traditional style of management no longer has any choice but to wait for the moment to announce its collapse, because with the change of work rules in addition Given the above-mentioned data, it is no longer possible to continue the old programs of management, especially in the field of institutions and non-profit organizations.

Important information about the program

• Empowering institutions by enabling their leaders to achieve the required level of smart management capable of developing work and facing various challenges.
• Enhance skills and capabilities in international best practices in management and smart leadership.
• Providing leaders with managerial and leadership skills in order to motivate others to make a positive change in performance.
• Strengthening strategic thinking, analytical ability, communication, listening and interaction skills.
• Achieving best practices of direct and indirect executive supervision.
• Leadership competence in dealing with cultural and human differences in the work environment.

Main Axes
- The concept of smart management and how to switch to it from the traditional management system.
- What is the future of institutions and organizations that are managed by traditional administrations.
Why is smart management a necessity for survival, continuity, and excellence?
- Intellectual capital (its concept - importance - types) and means of its development
- The concept of sustainable development, its mechanisms, strategic planning and its role in the work of smart management.
Indicators of achieving efficiency and quality of performance for charitable organizations and institutions
The means of establishing smart management, its working mechanisms, and the means of adapting it to the attractive work environment Technology in its general sense and the rules for establishing an electronic endowment to help develop the work of institutions and non-profit organizations
Establishing, managing, and employing networks of relationships in the service of non-profit work
Methods of investing in non-profit organizations and institutions
Wrong practices at different administrative levels and ways to address them

The main presenter of the program
Dr. Ashraf Zeidan
Professor of Development, Management and Islamic Studies at the University of Malaya

- Headed a number of research projects within the programs of the University of Malaya Which today ranks 58th in the world - Co-founder and developer of a number of non-profit scientific projects Including the Scientific Institute for Advanced Training and Studies and the Academic Center For conferences, scientific publishing and the European Scientific Development Program Development and Asian Scientific Forum.
Consultant and developer for a number of educational institutions
- Such as: Kuala Lumpur Institute of World Languages, and the Malaysian Institute for Science and Development.
He has more than 50 scientific papers published on management and development topics Teamwork, Human Resources and Islamic Studies.
- Participated in more than 60 international scientific conferences in the aforementioned fields.

Program Outline
The duration of the program is 30 hours, divided into a whole month, two days per week Flexible times with the possibility of compensating lectures for absentees with an excuse from the participants.
- In addition to the basic material, five scientific references have been added from the best references concerned with the subject of the training diploma.
- A package of 60 questions on the topic of the diploma in order to motivate the participants and increase their interactive abilities.
- Recording the lectures in full to avoid missing them for all participants in the event that they cannot reach the lecture on time
- Graduation project, exams and continuous evaluation of the participants; A request to achieve the criterion of seriousness and tangible benefit to participate in this program.
Reviewing information from real experiences.
- Hosting experts in the field of smart management of non-profit organizations.
Transfer of practical field experiences by expert speakers.
- Open consultations with the coach for a month after the end of the program.
- The video of the lectures can be viewed for those who have an emergency situation with the time of some lectures.
- Daily preparation to increase the usefulness and effectiveness of the program.
- The certificate of the program is presented by the oldest and most famous private education institution in Malaysia.
- Fully interactive program and real-world applications for established and well-known institutions.

The lecture time is divided into: a focused scientific lecture - discussion of paragraphs from the sources and references on the topic - a brainstorming session for part of the question package - questions and answers and consultations

The program starts on February 15, 2022.
The lectures begin at 7:30 pm Mecca time

$265 for early registration or $325 for late registration, including the full scientific material of the program + approved scientific references, with files and other identifying data + certificates + free entry open for a full year for videos of diploma lectures.

Statistics :

  • All participants (12)

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