
Smart management for institutions and non-profit organizations 2023

Intelligent management = sure success

This program is offered once a year with very important updates

introduction: Management is a very broad concept and it touches all the details of our lives. Starting from self-management, to managing the family and the social environment, to managing institutions, which are levels where it is very difficult to succeed at the higher ones before succeeding at the lower ones. Thinking in an engineering way that is smarter, more useful, and much better in terms of outputs; It simulates the rules of digital life that are designed to make human life better; It represents one of the greatest means made by the human mind from the beginning of creation until today.

Program date: 8-12 May 2023 / 8-10 pm Mecca Al-Mukarramah time

Objectives :

  1. Building and developing participants' experiences in the field of smart management and how to understand and implement its rules.
  2. Enhancing our opportunities in the field of shifting towards smart management and leaving the primitive means for any procedures related to management.
  3. Developing participants' capabilities and skills to enable them to reach advanced levels of smarter and more effective management.
  4. Raising the efficiency of participants in the field of digital management, which has a major role in the success of smart management programs.


  1. The concept of smart management
  2. Smart management work rules
  3. Smart management applications and their future
  4. Skills related to the quality of intelligent management
  5. Training, continuing education and smart management
  6. Levels of smart management and the mechanisms of their association and coordination between them
  7. The applied project on the smart management model
Additional features of the program:

  1. Optional applied program (the results of which are mentioned in the participant’s certificate)
  2. Five important references in the field of study are delivered to registrants on the first day.
  3. A book written by the program presenter as a gift for the participants.
  4. Open consultations for a year on the WhatsApp group dedicated to the program.

Statistics :

  • All participants (0)

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