
Scientific publishing management rules and skills 2023

Professional scientific publishing for a better future

This program is offered once a year with very important updates

A qualitative training program for specialists and administrators responsible for advanced scientific publishing centers, departments, and departments.

Program date: 1-5 May 2023 / 8-10 pm Mecca Al-Mukarramah time

Objectives :

  1. Building and developing the expertise of the participants in the field of scientific publishing from A to Z.
  2. Enhancing opportunities for advancement of stakeholders and workers in the field of scientific publishing.
  3. Enhancing the ability of specialists to perform better in the world of scientific publishing.
  4. Highlighting the importance of reliable knowledge in the field of digital transformations and the impact of this knowledge on the overall processes and stages of scientific publishing.


  1. The concept of managing the scientific publishing process
  2. Scientific publishing management rules
  3. Practical applications about the rules of scientific publishing
  4. Scientific publishing management skills
  5. Authoring, scientific publishing, digital transformation, and the future
  6. Management of scientific publishing centers and departments
Additional features of the program:

  1. Optional applied program (the results of which are mentioned in the participant’s certificate)
  2. Five important references in the field of study are delivered to registrants on the first day.
  3. A book written by the program presenter as a gift for the participants.
  4. Open consultations for a year on the WhatsApp group dedicated to the program.

Statistics :

  • All participants (1)

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